Monday, 6 July 2009

Chalk Kills

My first idea for my first participation in the Fourteen Nights group (2 weeks to do a piece of work on a given theme). For those who don't know these 'monsters' are based on giant ancient chalk figures found on the sides of hills in the UK.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

A sketch for one of my sister's off-the-wall children's books. The giant stick insect needs a better face.
Here's a self-portrait sketch. I'm trying to work out a style for a series of autobiographical drawings... its between this and another one.

Here's one of my daughter yesterday...

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Wax crayon explosions.

I'm very into doing snowmen/women/animals at the moment... here's a few!

Sketch for a party invite from a few years ago. Don't ask how he's holding that bottle with no thumbs... its called 'artistic license'.
One of the many versions of Dave, the tiny rabbit from the (as yet unpublished) novel 'Nutbutter Butternut'.

This is a biro lightbulb drawing.

Here's some self-explanatory sketches and drawings...

MARCH 2021 Hi, Thanks for looking! I have a new and much better website at: I hope you like it...